Monday, 24 February 2014

Commemorating Baden Powell 22nd February 2014

The Scouts and Girl guides movement has over 28 million members around the world and thus is the largest youth movement in the world.

Nyeri, a  town at the slopes of Mt.Kenya is where lord Baden Powell the Scouts’ movement founder chose to be buried having lived in and liked the area. Lord Baden Powell had served in the British army before leaving to begin the scouting movement in the world. Baden Powell’s wife Lady Olave Powell followed in her husband`s shoes to found the Girl Guides movement in the world. Both Baden and Olave were native English speakers born in London. However, the founders of the scouting movement traversed many parts of the world preaching the scouting gospel and that is how they ended up being in Kenya.

He moved to Nyeri town in Kenya in 1938, amidst personal health troubles until his death in 1941. Lord Baden Powell was buried at the St Peters ACK church graveyard in Nyeri town in Kenya. Lady Olave Powell later died in Europe and her remains flown to Nyeri town in Kenya and interred besides her husband’s grave. The graves have since been marked as national monuments.

Every 22nd February, which is the birth date of Lord Baden Powell, scouts all over the world celebrate the life and times of both Lady Olave and Lord Baden Powell and many literary travel to Nyeri to pay tribute to their fallen hero and heroine. This year more than 10,000 scouts and girl guides were in Nyeri. At the same time, its business boom for Nyeri traders during this time every year as is a thumbs up for the Mt. Kenya Tourist Circuit Association. British High Commissioner Christian Turner called on the Kenyan scouts to uphold their values of promoting peace and conserving the environment. 

 People come from all over the world to celebrate Founders day. This year it was held on Saturday 22nd Feb.

Oloi Travels also organizes camping trips on your budget.

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